Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Food Security VS Food Safety

Food security is a condition that related to the supply of food. In another words, food security mean that everyone is able to get enough healthy food to be well and active. If everybody want to get enough healthy food, then they need a food system that works well.
There are 5 important parts that cover everything from making food (production) to taking care of the waste (disposal). Each part of the food system is connected.

There are some important things that makes the food system function well.
Ë It protects land, water and air so that we can producing the food.
Ë It supports people and businesses to make enough money to keep working in the food system.
Ë It also make sure that everyone is able to get enough healthy foods.

Food security analysis looks at the combination of 3 main elements:
Food availability:
The food should always have enough amount in the storage for all the citizens in the area.

Food access:
The people must be able to regularly acquire the adequate quantities of food through purchase, home production, borrowing or food aid.

Food utilization:
The consumed food must have a positive nutritional impact on people. It includes the cooking, storage and hygiene practices that might affect the human health.


World Food Day offers the opportunity to strengthen national and international solidarity in the fight to end the hunger, malnutrition and poverty. There are some challenges:

Rising the population
Rising incomes, changing diets
Falling water tables
More foodless days
Slowing irrigation
Increasing soil erosion
Climate change
Melting water reserves
Flattening yields
Little time to prepare

Food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation and storage of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness. Food safety is concerned with safe resources of all foods and avoid the food from the chemical and microbial contamination.

The concerns of food safety:
Foodborne illness:
Foodborne illness is still the most prevalent risk with food. It made many by high-density, low sanitation livestock facilities among other factory farm practices which can spread the disease rapidly and frighteningly at everywhere.

Food contaminants:
The bacterial and viral contamination that cause foodborne illness are most people’s primary concern. There are variety of other substances such as lead and mercury in the food that cause the health issue example Minamata disease from the mercury substances.

Pesticide Exposure:
Pesticides are the food contaminant that warrant special mention and are used in many agricultural operation from fruit and vegetable production to the animal feeding operation. The exposure to pesticides has linked to infertility, birth defects, poisoning and maybe is cancer.

Antibiotic Resistance:
The widespread of antibiotics can cause the development of antibiotic resistant disease and infections.

Environmental Effects:

Agriculture is the main contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollutions such as soil degradation, water and air contamination, destruction of ecosystems and other climate changes.

5 principles of food hygiene according to WHO which are:

Prevent contaminating food with pathogens spreading from people, pets and pests.
Separate the raw and cooked foods to prevent contaminating the cooked foods.
Cook foods for appropriate length of time and at the appropriate temperature to kill pathogens.
Store food at the proper temperature.
Do use the safe water and safe raw materials.

4 main dimensions of food security:
« Physical availability of food
« Food availability addresses the “supply side” of food security and determined by the level of food production, trade and stock levels
« Economic and physical access to food
« An adequate supply of food in the national or international level does not in itself guarantee household level of food security. The insufficient of food access has resulted in a greater policy focus on the incomes, expenditure, markets and prices in achieving the food objectives.

Monday, May 8, 2017


Chapter 8: Agriculture and Malaysia Economic


  • The agricultural sector has contributed to the growth and major contributors to national income & export earning.
  • It's become basis of economic growth and main contributor in national economy prior to the 1970 s.
  • The agricultural sector  initially derived from the increase in the production of livestock, fisheries and other miscellaneous crops.
  • The agricultural industry more valuable cash crops owing to the increase in earnings from major commodities such as palm oil, rubber & food commodities.
  • It has enable the sector to retain its workforce & shore up the economic downturn of the 1997 financial crisis.


Backbone of the economy
  1. At independence , it contributed 39.3% to GDP, generated 58.3% of a total employment and about 50.0% to export earnings.
  2. After independence, economy underwent a diversification, so the contribution declined.
  3. In 1980, still contributed 22.9% of total GDP, 39.7% to employment & less than 22.9% to export earning.

Agricultural Growth
  • In the 7th Malaysia Plan (1995-2000), the agricultural sector grew at 1.2% per annum, lower than the targeted 1.9%.
  • The 8th Malaysia Plan (2001-2005) targets the sector to grow at 3.0% annually.
  • However, the agriculture sector grew only at 1.5% per annum.
  • Among commodities, from 1995 to 2005, the value of rubber and forestry products has decreased while that of palm oil, livestock and fisheries has increased.
  • In 2005, industrial crop production accounted for 60% of the total value in agriculture with the remaining 40% taken by the food sector, with livestock and fisheries accounted for significant increases.


  • To make Agricultural sector as the 3rd engine of national economic growth (new source)
  • New scope includes agro-based industry.
  • Development of the sector covers the total aspect of production & supply chain management.

- The agricultural sector contributes significantly to the country in earning foreign exchange through export.
- Malaysian is still a food-deficit country. Food import have continuously far exceeded export.
- Among the major import items included maize, sugar, wheat, rice, soybean, and various food preparation.
- The major food items that have a large balance of trade deficit are livestock feed, cereals (mainly rice), vegetable and dairy products.
- Raw rubber, palm oil and cocoa beans are imported, processed, and then re-exported as final products.
- Balance of trade of agricultural products and commodities 2005 (RM million):
-   The total agricultural sector in export 62,596, in import 36,250, and the balance is 26,346
-   The total of food items in export 10,669, in import 17,733 and in become negative in balance which is -7,065. 


Ø  Currently the agriculture sector accounts for about 12% of total employment in the country from a high of 42% in the 1980, reflecting the transformation from an agricultural to an industrialized economy.
Ø  The number of people employed in the agriculture sector in 2010 is 1.51 million out of a total force of 11.3 million.
Ø  About 80% of the labour in agriculture is employed in crop production while only 9% are in livestock production and 6% are in fisheries.
Ø  The biggest number of farmers in Malaysia is rice growers (239,000 in 2005).
Ø  The total number of smallholders in 2005 was 414,000.

Sunday, May 7, 2017


- Business of agricultural production.
-  Combination of agriculture and business.
- Includes agrichemicals, breeding, crop production, distribution, farm machinery, processing and seed supply.
- Business that are involved in the marketing of farm products, such as warehouses, wholesalers, processors, retailers and more.
Image result for agribusiness
Example of Agribusiness Companies 
Yoon Fatt Industries (M) Sdn Bhd.
- Located at Kluang, City Of Johore and State of Malaysia
- specialized in producing agriculture sprayers which was set up in late forties  
-  Main productsKnapsack Sprayer,Repair Sprayer,Sales Spare-part, Nozzle,Sprayer Spare-Part
Highland Resource Trading
have three big agriculture farm in Cameron Highland that produce lots of vegetable, fruit and flower        
-  High quality of tomato, capsicium, strawberry and vegetable we export and sold locally. 
- We are interested to import fresh strawberry fruit to Malaysia.

Deere & Company
Ø  Makes John Deere equipment
Ø  Doesn’t own farms or produce food products, but nearly every farmer owns a John Deere tractor (equipment).

Monsanto Company
Ø  Manufactures the herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) and genetically modified seeds.

Dow AgroSciences LLC
Ø  Makes pesticides, herbicides and fungicides and markets seeds.

Archer Daniels Midland Company
Ø  Processes oilseeds such as canola and soy.
Ø  Processes corn into ingredients such as corn syrup, dextrose and starch.
Ø  Transport crops both nationally and internationally

Image result for agribusiness evolutionAgribusiness Evolution
- In late 1800’s: self-sufficient farms
- Wars increased the products’ prices but it stimulate more production. Then, the war was profitable again.
- Mechanization was developed largely due to labour shortages.
- Crop production became a focus of farmers.
(They started purchasing inputs and appear aquaculture in today)
There are much of the manufacturing and processing was relocated off the farm to become businesses themselves.
- The improvement of the preservation of raw products is needed.
- Food becomes more convenient to the consumers.
-Agribusiness is occurred and the agricultural activities not just planting but now there are a business for agriculture.

Agribusiness VS Organic Farming

Organic farming
Large-scale commercial agricultural
Small-scale farming
Owned by the giant agribusiness companies
Owned by small family farms
Focus on the profitability
Focus on the quality of the agricultural products

Successful Agribusness in New Zealand: